Friday, May 15, 2009
one reason for the change, UNLIMITED hours on dial up with iowatelecom! I had metered service with lisco, and now being HOME more, i'm on the computer the new server!
Hopefully not too many old contacts will be lost in the transition, though I know lots of old radio friends may not get the new address...
On this rainy Friday, I've got Georgia back in bed, who knows for how long? and I should be in the shower, preparing for the day. Dennis and I will be working at Randy and Jodi's house this after noon installing countertops, hopefully staying out of the way of the carpet layers, which all means moving day can't be far away! Scott and Stacey took old carpet OUT of their house yesterday to be able to take advantage of CLEAN UP days in Leighton, we did at the shop as well. So I guess life has settled in to it's new form of normal, even though I still never know what each day will hold.
Yesterday was a bit of a treat! My husband has laid claim to being our ONLY Lawn care technician (IE: lawn mower). He claimed this responsibility shortly after I mowed our entire lawn with a flat tire on the mower (and didn't know it, but couldn't' figure out why the lawn was so 'crooked") Dennis has been super busy, working at his job and then helping the kids with their housing projects at night, so I volunteered yesterday to mow the lawn (we have 2 and half acres). I never thought he would say yes, but he did!! So on to the John Deere 345 was I, and I know now why men love to mow! What a lot of time to think and be alone! The drone of the mower shuts out all other thoughts and problems and you can just think...about life, and people, and even pray. Yep, even pray...on the mower. (I still suggest you give a little effort to watching how the mowing is turning out...and check the tires now and then)
thanks for stopping by. I truly miss sharing with you on the radio. Please use the email address to stay in touch!
oh, my old Friday morning cohost, Steve Heerema has a new web sight for his new church plant in Newton! I am so happy for Steve, if you know anything about him, you know his heart is for evangelism! For those of you who miss our show, we're in negotiations for a pod cast in the future! Until then, check out the church sight, and keep Steve and all his fellow workers in your prayers.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Belated Happy Mother's Day! This is my family, including my mom and dad, my sister and her kids, and ALL of our kids! we consider getting everyone in the picture and still a minor miracle! it might have been helpful if I would have known how the auto feature on my camera works before we were all seated...but by the time we got the third camera up on the tripod, we were good to go! so maybe photography will not be my next career choice...
I continue to wonder what that next choice will be and how I got to the point where I need to make one! Listening to the radio reminds me how much i LOVED that job, the music, speaking with many of you from time to time, and the normality or a routine..Then I spend a day with my family and see once again where God is calling me at this help give Georgia and Val the same start that the rest of this family got years ago. It's not something I do alone, an ever hard working husband makes it possible for me to even consider being home now, and the feeling I know God gives that this is where I am supposed to be helps too. ( if you haven't picked up a copy of Jesus Calling by Sarah Young...get one soon!) This devotional, with it's related scriptures have helped me cope with my new life. I still miss radio, I think I always will, but for now, this is where I am. A revelation of sorts happened for me not so long ago...KCWN was where I was supposed to be for 13 years, I did what I was supposed to do, and NOW, for now, i'm where I need to be now. And who knows where in the future??
From 'Jesus Calling": Don't be so hard on yourself! I can bring good even out of your mistakes! Your finite mind tends to look backward,longing to undo decisions you have come to regret. This is a waste of time and energy, leading only to frustration. Instead of floundering in the past, release your mistakes to Me, Look to Me in trust, anticipating that My infinite creativity can weave both good choices and bad into a lovely design. Trust Me and watch to see what I will do next!
Watching and Waiting with you....
Friday, May 1, 2009
Today we go to Sully Christian School, where Colby's class is doing chapel. We are told to have faith like that of a little child and I am always amazed and inspired when I hear these two little guys pray or tell me their Bible story or recite the latest memory work from school.
In the last Sully Christian School newsletter, Colby wrote this prayer: Dear God, Why did you make animals that kill people? See you at home. Colby Jay De Vries
I love that line "see you at home". So thankful that Colby knows that he can "see God at home", like a friend and a father.
This has been a "normal" week I suppose in the new normal. We've been busy with the kids' houses, water lines in at Leighton for the DeBoefs and finish work being done for the DeVries house by Peoria. In order to keep up with the kids, I rearranged the living room at home, yet once again. I have two theories on my need to drag the sofa, tables, bookcases, and yes, the TV across the room. One: moving it makes it look new, and leaves me somewhat content with a new look! Two: when you cant' control anything else in life, you CAN tell that sofa where it's resting place will be, at least for the next week! I'm thinking about starting a new business, "Balance by Beverly", where I would come to your house, and shove your sofa, restoring balance and contentment to your living room... what do you think??
Georgia gets her first shots today, so we could have a long day and night of rocking and walking! It seems lots of folks we know need our prayers today for illness, surgeries, and tests. I still find myself thinking of the "perfect song" to play...and I miss picking out my morning music!
thanks for stopping by, more later! Enjoy the weekend, see you in Church, and God, we'll see you at home!