Tuesday, September 22, 2009

One man's trash

Is another mans' treasure...here a a couple of my garage sale finds from Saturday. New art work for my dining room, is the picture of the dog on the bed, sleeping. Sleeping. I'll close with a little poem about that.
Below is a girl from lopng ago, that I felt had to come home with me. I found her at the Teen Challenge Garage Sale. (a VERY worthy cause, please support them whenever you can!!) I don't know why I feel drawn to her, but I do, so I'm looking for just the right spot in my home for her.

Also, at the TC sale, this sofa table, which fits perfectly under my front window.
all in all a good haul for under $80..
On the way to Sully, to pick up the De Vries Grands and to watch Colby in Sully Soccer on Saturday. I was chatting with my sister on my cell, What's up for you today,she asked. I started to list off my VERY busy day, feeling a little pity that I should be so busy on a Saturday." Well," I said," I've already been to a garage sale with Georgia, dropped her off at home with Val, along with my new table and portrait, am on my way to Sully, have Noah with me, will pick up Colby after soccer, then get Tysen and Jessa, go home and get Henry, keep all 6 kids all day, bring a meal to the Leighton house" well you get the idea, oh WHOA is me, is the tone I had....
When I hung up the phone, Noah, who was riding along to get Colby, remarked, "Well Nana, it sounds like you're having a GREAT day!"! I looked at him, and he continued," You've been to a garage sale, you get to see Colby play soccer, and you're going to get lots of help with Gigi today."
and I just had to say, "You're right Noah, it's a Great Day!"
It's all in your perspective.
So I pray your perspective today, no matter what, is that Today is Yet Another Great Day.
oh yes, the Poem:
Whatever is foreseen in joy
Must be lived out from day to day
Vision held open in the dark
By our ten thousand days of work
Harvest will fill the barn, for that
the hand must ache, the face must sweat.
And yet no leaf or grain is filled
By work of ours; the field is tilled
And left to grace. That we may reap,
Great work is done while we're asleep.
When we work well, a Sabbath mood
Rests on our day, and finds it good.
Wendell Berry, A Timbered Choir
That being said, I've been up since 2:30 AM, when Miss Georgia rolled over on her tummy in bed and "couldn't get up". She has long since gone back to sleep, but alas, I cannot. This should make for an interesting Tuesday.....
Thanks for checking in. I miss you all.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

No pictures

To share for this latest post. I checked my camera and I've taken no pictures since Sept 2, also the last date I blogged....so what's been up? A brief recap....
Val is at school, so the homework continues..she's struggled with being super tired, but is adjusting, and continues to fight her way through this. Georgia and I have kept busy...as you'll see!
Our daughter Stacey and her family will be moving this coming week to Leighton, their house at 308 Washington street in Pella has sold! The house in Leighton is NOT yet finished, so this will be a very very busy week for all of us! Everyone who could helped at the house this past Saturday and all SIX grandkids stayed at nanna's. (sorry there are no pictures of that, but maybe that's for the best...) AT one time, I did have 3 out of the 6 taking a nap, and managed to make a zucchini cake, puppy chow party mix, and another of one of my latest best creations in the kitchen: Creamy Pear Pie. things went somewhat down hill after that! I had to call in a few extra troops: Val helped a lot and my sister Jude came after putting in a few hours at Stams greenhouse Autumn Acres. We kept a pretty good eye on everyone, even managing to spend some time outside, cleaned up a few weeds, trimmed a tree or two, and got everyone feed and bathed before settling down to watch the horse movie "Spirit". All in all, a good day.
4 years ago, I took a life changing course at Third church, First year of Leaders of the Harvest. For the next 3 years, my classmate and best friend, Dee Van Wyk, tried to convince me to take year 2 with her. I refused up until this year, and wouldn't' you know it, Dee isn't' ready! So she is my official mentor for this year, my Year Two LHM; With only one class session under my belt, I know this will be a process that I need to go through. There is so much in my life that has changed, so much of ME that has changed..and I am praying this will help me come out on the other side a better person. A little self analysis of things will be good, and the opportunity to put some closure on other things (trying that myself lately didn't work out AT ALL...) so it's back to the classroom at Third for me. I'm excited about the new friends I will make and the opportunity for growth. When I look back at what I thought I knew about myself and my life just 4 years ago, I am amazed at how much of that has changed. But when I look at what I learned about GOD, I realize that He does not change..and whether I am feeling confident and full of doubt, He is still the God of the universe..and of my corner of it. Though at times I may feel betrayed and defeated, God is loyal and victorious, and He invites me to be a part of that. I think it's going to be an AMAZING, hard, eye opening, teary, thoughtful, and surprising year.
Georgia and I have occupied our time with garage sales, homework, the Start of Sunday School on the third floor of Pella II, learning how to roll over, sitting up alone, eating strained peas, and enjoying being together. You may figure out which one of us is doing which of our listed accomplishments!
I've also applied for a part time job, meet some great Pella business women, and am waiting on the outcome of my interview. I would be most happy to begin working, but will be understanding if this is not yet my time, or my place.
My sweet Georgia is having a little trouble settling down tonight, so I shall close with this from my first LHM class: "We cannot live in the absence of purpose". You don't get to choose your time, your time choose you. You ARE where and WHO you are for a reason.
God bless you all

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Home work and High Chairs

Valerie has returned to school full time, last term of her LPN year at Indian Hills, Georgia is happy to be helping in her new garage sale hi chair. Such is life the first of September at the De Vries household. We are enjoying the weather like all of you, and wondering how long fabulous fall will last.
Now that Val is a full time student, that makes me a full time nana. Communication from other adults, through email, or you can now leave a comment on this blog without becoming a member I believe, is most appreciated!
More later...