Friday, October 16, 2009

trick or treat

Tysen and Jessa came to play today, and with matching trick or treat T's for the girls, we tried to take a picture...tried very hard to get both girls LOOKING at the camera! Not so easy.
I hope you're enjoy October, even though this weather is a little cooler and damper than I or all the farmers around me would like. It's been an interesting week..i attended a seminar by Jack Hayford at the Vermeer Pavilion...the KEY to your this week, of all weeks of the year..I've been listening to advice to Forgive, Release, and as my dear friend KC put it "sista, don't ever LOOK BACK!"
I'm seriously thinking of writing a book. Now who would read it? What would I have to say? Those thoughts whirl around my head, mostly at 3 AM, and then I can't remember at 9 AM what my conclusions were! When I get the Preface written, I'll post it, and you can help me decide if I should proceed. I do still value the opinions and input of those I respect and admire.
Enjoy your weekend, and the sunshine that's promised, worship our Creator and Lord this Sunday (and every other moment of the week..) and I'll see you on the flip side.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Every October

For the past 13 years, I've been involved in the annual fundraiser for KCWN, Sharathon. Even before I was the station manager,I volunteered and have been at the station for the final hours of Sharathon (except 06 when I had to leave a half hour early with a severe stress induced migraine...) to rejoice in what God had done to support the ministry of KCWN. So tomorrow, for the first time in 13 years, I'll be home, listening. for a while at least. I was invited to do a 2 hour hosting on Wednesday morning, I felt I had to decline. I still can't seem to put that part of my life in a box. I still hear things that make me want to "do it my way", or be in on what I thougth would be the only job I would hold until the retirement checks starting coming my way. How wrong we can be......
I remember so clearly the day KCWN signed on, 14 years ago. I was standing in my kitchen at 6 AM, and I heard my dear friend Lisa Williams sign on, and in the studio with her were Marion Vink and the rest of the board members. They prayed, played God is Good all the time, and I stood right here in this kitchen and cried. I was so happy to have Christian radio, and I wanted so badly to be a part of it! Well, God granted my request, and for 13 years, I was a part of it. I got to be a part of the growing and building of KCWN, of moving the station to it's permanent home, of updated equipment, bringing the station to more people via the Internet, and well, lots and lots of other "accomplishments". But none were as sweet as the relationships I was able to build with my co workers, my dear Sister in Christ: Cinda, many others over the year, and with you, the listeners. We helped each other through a lot of hard times..and we could do so because of our common bond in Christ.That;s what I miss, being there for you (being an "at home "mom" has caused me to realize what so many of you told me for years, how sweet it was to have a real person, talking with you, going through your kind of day, just keeping it real...) and having you guys be there for me. But going through these past 8 months without my KCWN listeners has made me grab more firmly onto the One who can comfort and heal. I know that He will continue to bring me through..even though I STILL don't understand.
So, join me tomorrow, in your kitchen or wherever 6 Am finds you, and be thankful for all the gifts God has given us. Even if a few of them still cause a tear now and then.
I did do what I could to start sharathon, in my own little way, i dropped off a pan of home made cinnamon rolls! You just can't do sharathon with out Cinnamon rolls!
okay, I've got laundry to do, dishes to wash, and a baby to rock.
thanks for listening...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Anyone else surprised by this? Today the sun shines so brightly, the air is warm, windy, but warm, but they tell us by the weekend we could see snow flurries! Yet another reason to be more school closing announcements for me ever, and no more getting up in the dark to see if I can make it to work by plowing my way on a snow covered gravel road. See, always something positive to observe...
I have lost my Internet explorer connection at home on my trusty old 2002 laptop. this is very sad. Anyone who is a computer genius and would like to help me, Email me! or if you have a newer computer you'd like to give to a worthy cause, let me know! So now I have to go to the De Vries Cabinet's and Countertops location in Leighton to use the Internet! This has truly slowed down my blogging, and my craigslist obsession! So perhaps a good I have more time to devote to whatever it is I do with my day.
Georgia is now 8 months old. She'll be crawling soon, if her current body movements and always anxious looking forward face are any indication! Jessa is 9 and half months, Henry will be TWO in Feb! Tysen will be 4 in December, Noah turns 7 in November, and Colby turned 8 in August. oh my, no wonder I feel old, and tired....But God is good, we are enjoying these new stages in all their little lives...
I've started teaching Sunday School again, and our lessons have been about Healing. My LHM class is talking about Personal Values, Relationship in Leadership, and Observing from the Balcony. I am learning so much! Who would have thought it was possible? And my part time employment at Best of Thymes..I'm learning there too. I made a sale on a cash register! See, you can teach on old dog new tricks!
I've got a great story to tell about my changing Personal Values..I'll do that next time for sure, but for now, I see a sunny outdoors calling my last time perhaps before the REAL Fall weather hits!
thanks for checking in!! Come see me at BOT or at DVCC in Leighton!! (and if you are considering a little remodeling work at your house..we'd love to talk to you!!)
miss you all

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Did it sneak up on you too?? I watched the wind and rain today, almost in disbelief, after how many perfect weather days..could we really be cold, damp, and tossed here and there? But the forecast holds promise of more typical fall weather..and it's been a wonderful summer!
Life continues to hold changes for me that I never saw coming, so, for the most part, I've stopped looking! I've been told that my "spirit" seems calmer...maybe it's just more rested! I have not set an alarm more than 3 times in the past 8 months! Of course, I also sleep across the hall from a natural alarm 8 month old grand daughter! But, it's interesting to hear people's perspective on what has happened, and where it's taking us. So my spirit , my body, and my mind, all try to take it as it comes...and here's what's come lately...
I've started my second year of Leaders of the Harvest Ministries at Third Church. I Love my's hard work, it's looking in and looking up, looking back, and looking ahead, and it is so what I needed right now. Isn't God good? I would love to share everything I'm learning in class, but perhaps just this one thing for now will suffice: If you think you've got it all figured out, You Do Not. Yes, that was a revelation to me. And the part about losing your life to find it...If you've never had to give anything up, I'm not sure you'll really understand that one either....More on that as the year proceeds...
I'm employed! The Gals at Best of Thyme's in Pella have granted me a part time position on Monday's and Fridays! I'm excited to be around such good people and beautiful things!! This part time work will give me the excuse to dress up and get out of the house and give Val the opportunity to enjoy her daughter on Friday's with out Nana! It's a win, win! so please, starting in November, come see me on Franklin Street (hmmm back where I spent 8 years) in downtown Pella!!
Okay, I think that's enough about me! What's going on with you??? If you're reading this, I consider you a friend and I would LOVE to hear from you!! email me
love to all