Sunday, December 27, 2009

Not exactly Seven Lords a Leaping...but it is Seven De Vries girls sitting! These are the Seven baby girls born this past year as great grand daughters of Harold and Leona De Vries. Starting at the left: Ella Dykstra, Meagan De Vries, Jessa De Vries, Cambria Van Dyke, Breckyn De Vries, Georgia De Vries and Abigal De Vries. Whooooh! We feel we accomplished quite a bit getting this picture, they started crawling away within seconds! We celebrated Christmas and Grandpa's 80th birthday Saturday night with over 60 family members in attendance. and no, it wasn't at our house...we are thankful for the use of the Peoria Grade School gymnasium!!

Santa appeared at our gathering to hand out presents to all the good girls and boys. Cambria, just a year, was fascinated by Santa and several other children reserved judgement of Santa, but managed to get close enough to open a gift. Santa does hold a special place in his heart for Colby...who kept Santa's "real identity" to himself.

This was my first Christmas in over a dozen years to NOT be on the radio. I always enjoyed working Christmas morning, sharing songs i loved with the listeners who had become my "extended family". I was not looking forward to getting through yet another season of my lost life. But, because of snow and situations, I slept through what would have been most of my morning radio shift. and as the day progressed, I found I didn't miss it as much as I had thought i might, though I do still miss so much talking with so many who touched my life over the past 12 years. My work at Best of Thymes has brought contact with some old friends as well, and it's always good to catch up. If you're one of those people I miss, please feel free to email! I love connecting in this new way, while still missing the old way!

At our Christmas gathering with my husbands family, my sis in law gave a brief over view of the things our 9 different families have to be thankful for. It made me pause to think of what an amazing year we have had. While I am thankful for the things she mentioned, a new home for Randy and Jodi, a new place for Scott and Stacey, and Val's passing of her LPN year at Indian hills, we have many more reasons to be thankful. This past year brought Valerie through a difficult pregnancy with the end result of the healthy delivery of Georgia Naely. And though the next 2 months found us in situations we never saw coming, Valerie's Congestive Heart Failure and immediate start on Chemo for her leukemia, my losing my job, position, financial support ,and mission at KCWN, and many other life style changes for all of us, we have found that God is always faithful. True friends have remained to offer support and joy through this new season of our life. So I am thankful for God and his promises, that JOY can remain even when life is hard, and that a baby's smile can make any day worth living.

I am thankful for my family..great kids and 6 grandkids, a husband who has learned all over again the art of raising an infant, parents who are healthy and happy, a church family that feels like family, my class at Third church, my new work at Best of Thymes, with good people who make me feel important, needed, and worthwhile. I am thankful for Salvation, full and free, for a God who is very fond of me....and disciplines those he loves. I am thankful for all of you.

Merry Christmas
Blessed New Year

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Poppa and the girls at snack time..does anyone look overwhelmed??
Georgia has discovered mobility with her the point of getting INTO the drawer that holds that prized above all possessions: the remote!
and a glimpse into a typical family gathering these days, kids and babies everywhere!!

Just a few pictures of life with us these days
and while you're all sending out Christmas cards and writing those annual letters..I'm thinking of doing the same, only right here, once and for all!
Getting snowed in might just be the stimulus needed to complete such a project! Stay safe and warm, travel only if you need to, make sure the cell phone is charged!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Mid November

Time is rolling along, as is Georgia! Crawling seems to still baffle our 9 month old baby girl, but rolling has become a wonderful way to get from point A to point B...along with scooting backwards. All this brings us to places we never dreamed possible, like UNDER the sofa, BEHIND the footstool, well, you get the idea! The baby walker also helps further our sense of independence, especially at Aunt Stacey's house, where a large amount of hardwood floors makes is possible to FLY!
As Georgia's world expands with each day holding another room or object to be discovered, so it is with my life too. I'm finding my way back to work, helping Dennis a day or so a week, and spending Monday's and Friday's (and one Saturday a month) at Best of Thymes in Pella (next to the Opera House) The work is all very different from my last 13 years, and I'm learning more about what makes life meaningful. My old radio job made it easy to believe that I was doing ministry and fulfilling a new life makes it harder. It was easier to proclaim Christ while playing Christian music and programs, it was second nature to encourage people from my 'pulpit;, now I have to find ways to let my little light shine in the way I conduct myself while waiting on a customer, checking in inventory, or using my time. My circle of influence has become much tighter, but that doesn't make it any less meaningful. So while I always considered one of my greatest abilities that of being able to "be real: and connect", I now find myself being more like 'everyone else". Being reminded that it's not so much about doing Great Things, but doing small things with Great Love.

Thanksgiving is only a week away, and there is much to do! May I remind you, and me, that it's not about the cleanest house, or the best turkey, it's about the people around the table. For the first time in a LONG time, I'll be home to start my Thanksgiving feast! I rather enjoyed working that Holiday and leaving a nice long note on the table for my husband about when to start the turkey, and what to put in the oven, before we met at church. I have a funny feeling, I'll be the one up alone early on Thanksgiving morning!

For the day AFTER Thanksgiving, I will not be shopping, but I will be in a store! I'll be working at Best of Thymes, so if you'd like me to help you with your Christmas list, stop by! The coffee (flavored and wonderful!) is always on and always free and I would imagine a snack or two to taste as well!
The morning is getting away from me, I best get dressed, thanks for checking in! One huge thing on my Thankful For list this year: Val has completed her LPN year of nursing and just this morning started her RN year, with a clinical assignment in Grinnell!
God is good.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


What I do not like about traveling ( and mind you, I'm not talking world wide..for me "travel" means a trip to NW Iowa for a family wedding)
  • packing. I am bad at it. I keep trying, but I do not seem to be able to come up with a system that allows one to find what they pack...any suggestions??
  • living out of above stated suitcase (probably because it is NOT packed correctly...
  • repacking to go home one day later, which means throwing everything that was tossed out back in...
  • unpacking at home...again, do you see a flow of the problem here???
  • playing, tickling, soothing, feeding, changing, singing with a baby in a car seat for 300 miles

What I do love about traveling...

  • arriving safe and sound at a destination (even with a traffic ticket and fine....)
  • checking into a hotel, finding your room more than adequate, and several family members already checked in!!
  • attending a family wedding, seeing cousins and siblings, several children..witnessing vows and exchanging well wishes, and of course, receptions and dances!
  • Saturday lunch at Uncle Willy and Aunt Joyce, the usual warm welcome, the abundance of food, complete with the famous Cinnamon rolls, and more family than I could count...
  • walking in my own front door and thinking," isn't it good to be home?"

We did totally enjoy a weekend jaunt to Sioux Center for Cousin Laurie's daughter Jenna's wedding. A quick trip indeed, but as stated above, so good to see family and catch up just a little!

Georgia and I can't help but notice the combines, tractors, wagons, and semis all busy with the work of bringing in the harvest. The weather will be cooperating this week, and I'm even thinking we might plan a picnic for Sunday, with a forecast of 60's and sunshine for the weekend!This will be a busy week for us, Noah turns 7 on Friday, and Jodi will celebrate a birthday too! This Friday, I'll be giving my sister her Christmas gift..a ticket to the Mercy Me concert in Des Moines, with one little catch...she has to take ME along! We are soo looking forward to it!!

Enjoy your week, more from us later!

Friday, October 16, 2009

trick or treat

Tysen and Jessa came to play today, and with matching trick or treat T's for the girls, we tried to take a picture...tried very hard to get both girls LOOKING at the camera! Not so easy.
I hope you're enjoy October, even though this weather is a little cooler and damper than I or all the farmers around me would like. It's been an interesting week..i attended a seminar by Jack Hayford at the Vermeer Pavilion...the KEY to your this week, of all weeks of the year..I've been listening to advice to Forgive, Release, and as my dear friend KC put it "sista, don't ever LOOK BACK!"
I'm seriously thinking of writing a book. Now who would read it? What would I have to say? Those thoughts whirl around my head, mostly at 3 AM, and then I can't remember at 9 AM what my conclusions were! When I get the Preface written, I'll post it, and you can help me decide if I should proceed. I do still value the opinions and input of those I respect and admire.
Enjoy your weekend, and the sunshine that's promised, worship our Creator and Lord this Sunday (and every other moment of the week..) and I'll see you on the flip side.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Every October

For the past 13 years, I've been involved in the annual fundraiser for KCWN, Sharathon. Even before I was the station manager,I volunteered and have been at the station for the final hours of Sharathon (except 06 when I had to leave a half hour early with a severe stress induced migraine...) to rejoice in what God had done to support the ministry of KCWN. So tomorrow, for the first time in 13 years, I'll be home, listening. for a while at least. I was invited to do a 2 hour hosting on Wednesday morning, I felt I had to decline. I still can't seem to put that part of my life in a box. I still hear things that make me want to "do it my way", or be in on what I thougth would be the only job I would hold until the retirement checks starting coming my way. How wrong we can be......
I remember so clearly the day KCWN signed on, 14 years ago. I was standing in my kitchen at 6 AM, and I heard my dear friend Lisa Williams sign on, and in the studio with her were Marion Vink and the rest of the board members. They prayed, played God is Good all the time, and I stood right here in this kitchen and cried. I was so happy to have Christian radio, and I wanted so badly to be a part of it! Well, God granted my request, and for 13 years, I was a part of it. I got to be a part of the growing and building of KCWN, of moving the station to it's permanent home, of updated equipment, bringing the station to more people via the Internet, and well, lots and lots of other "accomplishments". But none were as sweet as the relationships I was able to build with my co workers, my dear Sister in Christ: Cinda, many others over the year, and with you, the listeners. We helped each other through a lot of hard times..and we could do so because of our common bond in Christ.That;s what I miss, being there for you (being an "at home "mom" has caused me to realize what so many of you told me for years, how sweet it was to have a real person, talking with you, going through your kind of day, just keeping it real...) and having you guys be there for me. But going through these past 8 months without my KCWN listeners has made me grab more firmly onto the One who can comfort and heal. I know that He will continue to bring me through..even though I STILL don't understand.
So, join me tomorrow, in your kitchen or wherever 6 Am finds you, and be thankful for all the gifts God has given us. Even if a few of them still cause a tear now and then.
I did do what I could to start sharathon, in my own little way, i dropped off a pan of home made cinnamon rolls! You just can't do sharathon with out Cinnamon rolls!
okay, I've got laundry to do, dishes to wash, and a baby to rock.
thanks for listening...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Anyone else surprised by this? Today the sun shines so brightly, the air is warm, windy, but warm, but they tell us by the weekend we could see snow flurries! Yet another reason to be more school closing announcements for me ever, and no more getting up in the dark to see if I can make it to work by plowing my way on a snow covered gravel road. See, always something positive to observe...
I have lost my Internet explorer connection at home on my trusty old 2002 laptop. this is very sad. Anyone who is a computer genius and would like to help me, Email me! or if you have a newer computer you'd like to give to a worthy cause, let me know! So now I have to go to the De Vries Cabinet's and Countertops location in Leighton to use the Internet! This has truly slowed down my blogging, and my craigslist obsession! So perhaps a good I have more time to devote to whatever it is I do with my day.
Georgia is now 8 months old. She'll be crawling soon, if her current body movements and always anxious looking forward face are any indication! Jessa is 9 and half months, Henry will be TWO in Feb! Tysen will be 4 in December, Noah turns 7 in November, and Colby turned 8 in August. oh my, no wonder I feel old, and tired....But God is good, we are enjoying these new stages in all their little lives...
I've started teaching Sunday School again, and our lessons have been about Healing. My LHM class is talking about Personal Values, Relationship in Leadership, and Observing from the Balcony. I am learning so much! Who would have thought it was possible? And my part time employment at Best of Thymes..I'm learning there too. I made a sale on a cash register! See, you can teach on old dog new tricks!
I've got a great story to tell about my changing Personal Values..I'll do that next time for sure, but for now, I see a sunny outdoors calling my last time perhaps before the REAL Fall weather hits!
thanks for checking in!! Come see me at BOT or at DVCC in Leighton!! (and if you are considering a little remodeling work at your house..we'd love to talk to you!!)
miss you all

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Did it sneak up on you too?? I watched the wind and rain today, almost in disbelief, after how many perfect weather days..could we really be cold, damp, and tossed here and there? But the forecast holds promise of more typical fall weather..and it's been a wonderful summer!
Life continues to hold changes for me that I never saw coming, so, for the most part, I've stopped looking! I've been told that my "spirit" seems calmer...maybe it's just more rested! I have not set an alarm more than 3 times in the past 8 months! Of course, I also sleep across the hall from a natural alarm 8 month old grand daughter! But, it's interesting to hear people's perspective on what has happened, and where it's taking us. So my spirit , my body, and my mind, all try to take it as it comes...and here's what's come lately...
I've started my second year of Leaders of the Harvest Ministries at Third Church. I Love my's hard work, it's looking in and looking up, looking back, and looking ahead, and it is so what I needed right now. Isn't God good? I would love to share everything I'm learning in class, but perhaps just this one thing for now will suffice: If you think you've got it all figured out, You Do Not. Yes, that was a revelation to me. And the part about losing your life to find it...If you've never had to give anything up, I'm not sure you'll really understand that one either....More on that as the year proceeds...
I'm employed! The Gals at Best of Thyme's in Pella have granted me a part time position on Monday's and Fridays! I'm excited to be around such good people and beautiful things!! This part time work will give me the excuse to dress up and get out of the house and give Val the opportunity to enjoy her daughter on Friday's with out Nana! It's a win, win! so please, starting in November, come see me on Franklin Street (hmmm back where I spent 8 years) in downtown Pella!!
Okay, I think that's enough about me! What's going on with you??? If you're reading this, I consider you a friend and I would LOVE to hear from you!! email me
love to all

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

One man's trash

Is another mans' a a couple of my garage sale finds from Saturday. New art work for my dining room, is the picture of the dog on the bed, sleeping. Sleeping. I'll close with a little poem about that.
Below is a girl from lopng ago, that I felt had to come home with me. I found her at the Teen Challenge Garage Sale. (a VERY worthy cause, please support them whenever you can!!) I don't know why I feel drawn to her, but I do, so I'm looking for just the right spot in my home for her.

Also, at the TC sale, this sofa table, which fits perfectly under my front window.
all in all a good haul for under $80..
On the way to Sully, to pick up the De Vries Grands and to watch Colby in Sully Soccer on Saturday. I was chatting with my sister on my cell, What's up for you today,she asked. I started to list off my VERY busy day, feeling a little pity that I should be so busy on a Saturday." Well," I said," I've already been to a garage sale with Georgia, dropped her off at home with Val, along with my new table and portrait, am on my way to Sully, have Noah with me, will pick up Colby after soccer, then get Tysen and Jessa, go home and get Henry, keep all 6 kids all day, bring a meal to the Leighton house" well you get the idea, oh WHOA is me, is the tone I had....
When I hung up the phone, Noah, who was riding along to get Colby, remarked, "Well Nana, it sounds like you're having a GREAT day!"! I looked at him, and he continued," You've been to a garage sale, you get to see Colby play soccer, and you're going to get lots of help with Gigi today."
and I just had to say, "You're right Noah, it's a Great Day!"
It's all in your perspective.
So I pray your perspective today, no matter what, is that Today is Yet Another Great Day.
oh yes, the Poem:
Whatever is foreseen in joy
Must be lived out from day to day
Vision held open in the dark
By our ten thousand days of work
Harvest will fill the barn, for that
the hand must ache, the face must sweat.
And yet no leaf or grain is filled
By work of ours; the field is tilled
And left to grace. That we may reap,
Great work is done while we're asleep.
When we work well, a Sabbath mood
Rests on our day, and finds it good.
Wendell Berry, A Timbered Choir
That being said, I've been up since 2:30 AM, when Miss Georgia rolled over on her tummy in bed and "couldn't get up". She has long since gone back to sleep, but alas, I cannot. This should make for an interesting Tuesday.....
Thanks for checking in. I miss you all.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

No pictures

To share for this latest post. I checked my camera and I've taken no pictures since Sept 2, also the last date I what's been up? A brief recap....
Val is at school, so the homework continues..she's struggled with being super tired, but is adjusting, and continues to fight her way through this. Georgia and I have kept you'll see!
Our daughter Stacey and her family will be moving this coming week to Leighton, their house at 308 Washington street in Pella has sold! The house in Leighton is NOT yet finished, so this will be a very very busy week for all of us! Everyone who could helped at the house this past Saturday and all SIX grandkids stayed at nanna's. (sorry there are no pictures of that, but maybe that's for the best...) AT one time, I did have 3 out of the 6 taking a nap, and managed to make a zucchini cake, puppy chow party mix, and another of one of my latest best creations in the kitchen: Creamy Pear Pie. things went somewhat down hill after that! I had to call in a few extra troops: Val helped a lot and my sister Jude came after putting in a few hours at Stams greenhouse Autumn Acres. We kept a pretty good eye on everyone, even managing to spend some time outside, cleaned up a few weeds, trimmed a tree or two, and got everyone feed and bathed before settling down to watch the horse movie "Spirit". All in all, a good day.
4 years ago, I took a life changing course at Third church, First year of Leaders of the Harvest. For the next 3 years, my classmate and best friend, Dee Van Wyk, tried to convince me to take year 2 with her. I refused up until this year, and wouldn't' you know it, Dee isn't' ready! So she is my official mentor for this year, my Year Two LHM; With only one class session under my belt, I know this will be a process that I need to go through. There is so much in my life that has changed, so much of ME that has changed..and I am praying this will help me come out on the other side a better person. A little self analysis of things will be good, and the opportunity to put some closure on other things (trying that myself lately didn't work out AT ALL...) so it's back to the classroom at Third for me. I'm excited about the new friends I will make and the opportunity for growth. When I look back at what I thought I knew about myself and my life just 4 years ago, I am amazed at how much of that has changed. But when I look at what I learned about GOD, I realize that He does not change..and whether I am feeling confident and full of doubt, He is still the God of the universe..and of my corner of it. Though at times I may feel betrayed and defeated, God is loyal and victorious, and He invites me to be a part of that. I think it's going to be an AMAZING, hard, eye opening, teary, thoughtful, and surprising year.
Georgia and I have occupied our time with garage sales, homework, the Start of Sunday School on the third floor of Pella II, learning how to roll over, sitting up alone, eating strained peas, and enjoying being together. You may figure out which one of us is doing which of our listed accomplishments!
I've also applied for a part time job, meet some great Pella business women, and am waiting on the outcome of my interview. I would be most happy to begin working, but will be understanding if this is not yet my time, or my place.
My sweet Georgia is having a little trouble settling down tonight, so I shall close with this from my first LHM class: "We cannot live in the absence of purpose". You don't get to choose your time, your time choose you. You ARE where and WHO you are for a reason.
God bless you all

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Home work and High Chairs

Valerie has returned to school full time, last term of her LPN year at Indian Hills, Georgia is happy to be helping in her new garage sale hi chair. Such is life the first of September at the De Vries household. We are enjoying the weather like all of you, and wondering how long fabulous fall will last.
Now that Val is a full time student, that makes me a full time nana. Communication from other adults, through email, or you can now leave a comment on this blog without becoming a member I believe, is most appreciated!
More later...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Swim Snugglie

Ever since I left my last job expectantly, I've been looking for a way to recoup lost income. I think I've found it. The Swim Snugglie. You've seen a prototype on the TV for months now, you know, the blanket with sleeves. well let me introduce you to the next big break for the blanket, the swim snugglie. The SS allows you to hit the beach (believe it or not, there is REALLY a picture of a woman wearing this thing ON THE BEACH on the BOX) in a less than perfect beach body, without the worry or embarrassment sometimes encountered on Swim suit day. Of course, we all know how important skin protection is, and with the SS, your skin will be protected (I'm including a tube of my favorite sunless tanner with each purchase, just to make sure you still get that summer glow...) Perhaps one of the best features of the SS is featured in the above photo. If we once again experience another summer like that of 2009, where several weekends left us with hi's only in the 70's, the SS keeps you warm and cozy, even when the water temperature in the good old back yard pool remains under 80 degrees....way under 80 degrees. So if you like me can see how the SS can change the way you think about summer, sign up today! Our Swim Snugglies will be ready for shipment in plenty of time to give for the holidays (like Labor Day, and Halloween perhaps) or you can wait for our SSS (the Super Swim Snugglie) which will feature a rather innovative personalization, to make your SSS REALLY yours.
Sometimes, after something bad happens to you, you find your just one great idea away from making it big.

Back to School

The routines of fall...with late summer weather..I'm enjoying good reports from Colby and Noah about the first days of second grade at Sully Christian and first grade at Pella Christian. I'm a little amazed as I sit in the rocking chair with Georgia that the school bus goes by on it's way back to school at 7:45! Somehow, now, that seems VERY early, how soon I have forgotten that my mornings used to begin at 4:30 AM!
Valerie will begin full time nurses training this week, with classes tomorrow at Indian Hills in Ottumwa. Her weekly routine will include clinicals at Knoxville Hospital on Monday's and Tuesdays, and classes inOttumwa on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please pray for her to have the energy to handle this schedule! She is looking forward to getting back to the classroom, even though leaving Georgia at home with me is hard to do. She's growing so fast..rolling over, even though the end result of that procedure leaves her in great distress! Her nutritional requirements now include strained green beans, peas and butter nut squash (I should be on this diet....) and nothing seems to be outside her ever widening reach.
Just a quick note today, I'm expected at De Vries Cabinets today to help with a counter top installation. Soon i hope to post some pics of a new cabinet door we designed that is BEAUTIFUL if I must say so myself and a new option in counter tops, Formica that truly looks like marble! An affordable alternative that gives an elegant result! I think you'll love it!

Sunday, August 16, 2009


tomorrow is my 52nd did that happen?? Two years ago, I remember Cinda helping me host a party at the station during my show..where we served cake that I had purchased to any one who was nice enough to stop in..about 40 of you did! The next year, last year, I didn't feel much like celebrating, wondering what THAT year would bring...THIS year, I celebrate 6 healthy happy grandkids, treatments for diseases that years ago would have been fatal, I celebrate Family, Faith, Friends, all of which I have in abundance. My lack of employment bothers me less, ( waiting for the day less paycheck doesn't bother me either!) and I'm learning to enjoy whatever the day presents.
As far as being 52..not sure I've totally digested that one yet. Of course, that's still 16 years younger that my "real age" as determined by the Quiz on line provided by Dr Oz.
Saturday, I was part of the Pella Christian High Catering TEAM that provided the meal for all who witnessed the marriage ceremony of Mandy Van Woerkom and Chad Klyn. I worked at PCHS 20 years ago when the hot lunch program began, and now they have not only moved into a brand new kitchen, but also branched out to provide excellent catering services. ( let me know if you have an event coming up! I KNOW people!!) It was fun to work with some of the ladies I started with 20 years ago, (hats off to Bonnie and Helen!!) and to enjoy the gals who "have come behind me!" ( Rayma, Kathy and Jan : they soo wanted their names on the blog!) the ladies did a great job, and it was rather fun to be "working" again, with adults! (for the most part!) and it's always good to celebrate the beginning of yet another good Christian couple. I must admit, my feet were killing me when i got home, not used to being on my feet for 8 hours on hard floors!
Friday night, we had a family picture taken at digital galeria. OH MY,,,, the kids did great!! Our photographer did a super job and I am quite pleased with their work (if only they could make me look 40 pounds thinner and poof up my hair....) Now to choose the ones we want...we've been viewing on line all day (let me know if you'd care to see our 99 proofs!)
thanks to those of you who check in on us from time to time, and I see someone almost every time I'm out "in the world" who says they read about us, or folks who still mention that they miss my mornings on too..
All this week, Val has off before starting full time school on the 26th..this will be her final term before receiving her LPN, and her plans include continuing to get her RN, another when Val goes to school full time, Georgia and I become "full time" buddies too.
and yes, here I am, 52.
love to all
oh, check out my blog for the balance bit of the week...and my new website design

Friday, August 14, 2009

RAndom thoughts

that's what I'm waking up with on this Friday, the last Friday of summer, if you consider that summer is pretty much over when school starts, which is next week....(see what I mean, random hang on, here we go...)
Yesterday was the start of the Iowa State Fair, and the opening concert in the grandstand was Steven Curtis Chapman, with Jeremy Camp opening. This is where I planned to be on August 13. I was not. Number One reason: ticket price....watching the budget these days...and I just wasn't' ready, to sit and hear all the songs that I put on the radio at kcwn, to hear about the ministry of music that I miss so much, to be reminded of just two short years ago, when we attended the Casting Crowns concert at the fair..and I was so excited to be a small, minute part of it much has changed...but I could help but think about what a beautiful evening it turned out to be...not so hot, an awesome sunset, and I just knew it was a great event for those who were there..
Now i had plenty of time to think about the evening, I decided to mow the lawn around 7:30 PM, that's cool, except it takes over 2 hours to mow our lawn, and by then, it was dark. I found out that I do about as good of job mowing in the dark as I do in the broad daylight! It was fun to get up with the sun this morning to "inspect" my handiwork! Even my husband had to admit that what I had done wasn't any worse than what I usually do. In my world, that's a compliment.
Today, we're taking all 13 of us in for a Family Picture! The outfits have been chosen, but need to be pressed, and I'm looking forward to the end results...I'm sure you'll hear more about that later....
I am still amazed at how many people have no clue as to why I"m not working at kcwn anymore or what has transpired in our family over the past year. For everyone who thinks small towns are full of gossip and everyone knows every one's business, I have found that to not be true. For those of you who are new to this blog and are now totally confused, just go back a few posts, to February and March, and you'll catch up...might even have to check out the old blog, A New Day.
But this is a better day, and there are MUCH better days ahead.
Val finished her clinicals with top grades and is looking forward to starting the LAST term of her LPN year at Indian Hills on August 26. Then Georgia and I will be spending 4 days a week together! Pray for Val for Strength! She does still get tired easily..but is doing really quite well..and we are thankful.
I hear my little morning alarm, talking in her bed, which means it's time to start her day. May you find Joy in this day...and may you know the Source of All Joy...
and btw...Monday is my birthday! 52...Noah told me i look 30, 000 times younger than I am! and he added, You know Nanna, you're only as old as you feel! How old do you feel?
I told him 72.
well, how old are you nanna?
man, that blows my theory.

oh noah.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

These pics are explained below...can't figure out how to move them....inside of the van up...broken out back window below...

Georgia hosted her first "over nighter" this weekend, inviting cousin Jessa to stay over on Saturday night. Both girls dressed for church in matching dresses provided by nana. We think they are both adorable!!

As it turns out, it was a good thing Jessa did vote to spend the night with us. Randy and Jodi and family were camping at a bow shoot in Eldora this weekend. Because of the intense heat on Saturday and a feeling that Jessa should just come to nana's, we picked up JEssa on Saturday morning.

If you've been watching the news, you've heard about Hardin county and Eldora today. A Major hail storm went through this morning. 3 inch hail stones broke windows in the camper, and both vehicles and caused all sorts of damage in homes and fields, but no one was injured in what could have been a devasting situation.

So tonight we are VERY thankful that the things in life we hold most dear, our precious family, are okay, and that everything else that isn't okay can be replaced. (As Colby wisely said, That's why we have insurance!")

Now, later i'll fill you in on how nana manages 2 6 month old girls!

love to all

Friday, August 7, 2009

This is it! The new RED in my kitchen! The color choice came from the "sully" pottery you see in the photo, and the actual print above the sink is an OLD picture we purchased at a Cary fundraising auction a few years back...some of my favorite things. Another of my favorite things would be nap time, which is always best shared with a cuddly 6 month old in a soft leather recliner! Next time, somebody needs to put the eyeglasses to rest too!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Ths Saturday, I got to spend time with Randy and Jodi's kids while they attended the Sully Christian School Golf Fundraiser (what a beautiful day to golf, if you didn't get a chance to support Sully Christian, I know they would still love to hear from you!) You can see that Jessa has adoring brothers, Colby who will celebrate his 8th birthday this Wednesday (how did THAT happen??) and Tysen, who took a tumble down the hill behind his house, while riding the john deere coaster wagon...he told me it was really cool to turn the handle, but that's how he flipped out! Colby told me this is when they found out that they didn't know where the band aids where in the new house, but that he found out that they do have a First Aid kit, so all in all, a good day! He wanted to know if I wanted to know where it was, I told him I truly hoped we wouldn't need it!
and Jessa, well, you can see she is ready to join her brothers and be ON the MOVE!
maybe next week I can catch Henry on the move too!
The weekly Balance Bit will be on the web site next week...check it out at
and how about this WEATHER? sitting here by the computer with the windows open and loving it on the first of August!
thanks for stopping to hear from you!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Balance by Beverly

okay, to the faithful blog readers, you're the first ones in on the new adventure..check it out at It's a new idea, and I would love your input! And of course, we're looking for clients! If you were a KCWN listener, you already know about my passion (obsession?) with moving furniture and my philosophy that when you can control nothing else in your life, control that sofa and move it across the room! (As you might imagine, I've been doing a LOT of sofa shoving...)
Balance by Beverly will also be available for seminars! I'm teaming up with my sister, one of the gals from Interiors by Val, to bring you helpful decorating advice, furniture arrangement tips, and perhaps most importantly, "the rest of the story". We'd love to come talk to your ladies group, host your group at Interiors by Val, or join you at a women's retreat! Give us a call, let's see where this leads!
Looking forward to hearing from you!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I was reminded yesterday that some of you still check in to see what's up with me and my's fun to be remembered..
We're doing you recall, my husband is BIG into doing corn. He did 65 pints on Saturday and will be doing some again tonight and I would imagine every night this week. While it's a lot of work and a big mess at the time, this winter, NOTHING will taste sweeter than home grown sweet corn!
I dont' listen to the radio as much anymore..for various reasons, imagine that you left a job you loved only to go back every day to watch others doing it...that's what listening to the radio is like for me. I was assured that there would always be an open door for me at kcwn, but they changed all the locks! Guess that's a sign it's time to move on.....and what I heard on the radio today reminded me of what my "mission" in life is, for now. A program on Focus on the Family talked about stay at home moms and while I am not Georgia's mom, I do feel that same tug of stay home with the baby or go back to work. A producer at Focus talked about when she took time off from work to stay home with her children, how she went from producing radio that impacted thousands of people every day to raising 4 little ones. She said that when she stands before the Lord on the final day, she will be able to say that she did her very best for those 4 little lives..and that no matter how many she may have impacted by her work at Focus (where she was able to return after time off to raise her family..a sign of HOPE!) that what really matters is that those 4 little faces are the ones she sees for eternity.
Couldn't have said it better myself. so for now, even though I miss my radio work immensely, this is where I know I need to be. Whatever God has in store for me after this...well, that remains to be seen. I know from talking to many of you, that adjusting to the changes in life and coping with them can be very difficult. But we do not go through these things alone..and God is faithful.
I love hearing from you! Please feel free to email me ( Another adjustment has been going from 40 emails a day with work related items to about 5 from friends! You would think i'd be getting ever so much more accomplished!
I have painted my kitchen...or should I say, i watched kids while my daughter Stacey painted. a nice camel color highlighted with wild current ( a nice bright deep red!!) the soffit above the cabinets still needs major attention as the wall paper there refused to come off.
We've had a couple pool days, and Tysen now loves to SING "I believe i can swim" as he jumps from the ladder to nana's waiting arms. a few mis ques and he "touched the floor" and got water in his nose and eyes, to which he replied, That was AWESOME!
oh to be 3!
Baby is sleeping, time to do some "work"
Blessings to you all

Monday, July 20, 2009

Georgia finds her voice! I guess having me as her caregiver a couple days a week, this was bound to happen! See if you don't recognize some sounds in her voice!

We've been busy!! the 12th was baptism for Georgia. It was a wonderful family day, with Aunt Jodi playing the prelude, Uncle Randy singing "He Knows My Name", all our "other brothers" in attendence, and lots of aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, GREAT grandparents to vow their support of Georgia. Even our two "special nannies" Aunt Judy and Cousin Laurie were able to attend and help serve cake to our family and friends after.

This past week, we've been enjoying the weather like everyone else! Coolest July on record perhaps, and we're just OKAY with that!! It has cut down on the swim time though, as I am sure the pool temp is back to around 70! I know a couple little boys who are just chomping at the bit for a HOT day to swim at nanna's!

We immensely enjoyed the Wedding of Heather Van Kooten and Jeremy Ritzema in Oskaloosa on Saturday. The weather was perfect, and the ceremony inspiring. It was plain to see that we witnesses to the union of two people who love each other and the Lord and come from families that made that possible. I was a bit worried when the groom started crying when ushering in the grandma's, and it was all down hill from there! But a few tears only show that these familes really do care about each other! You have to stand in awe of a woman who raises 6 sons...and obviously taught them to love each other and music! All 5 brothers sang at the ceremony and were joined by their dad and a few close friends to sing the doxology at the reception. I love a reception that carries through with the theme of God First at the ceremony. This one did exactly that. I was glad to be a part of it. Best wishes to Heather and Jeremy and we look forward to more Van Kooten weddings in the future??

Yesterday, Dennis and I ventured out to the Rib America Fest at Vets. Dennis was in his glory, purchasing sampler baskets of barbequed ribs from 6 of the top vendors in the country! It was fun comparing sauce and dry rub and tenderness, until the 4th basket! Dennis broke his front tooth!! YOu know this had to be bad, cuz we LEFT the rib fest with two vendors to go!! We then spend the next 3 hours at Methodist visiting Dennis brother, only to come home and call on Dr Eric De Boef to remove the tooth! It was nice to see Eric and his family, who all came in to the Osky office on a Sunday night to take care of this problem! (Amy, always good to see you!!)

We would ask also that you keep Dennis' brother Bryce in your prayers. Bryce lives on the farm with the parents, and was painting the farm house on Thursday, when the ladder he was on slipped from the house and threw Bryce to the ground. He drove himself to the ER in Pella, where he was transferred by ambulance to Methodist. Tests have revealed that he has fractured his C2 vertebrae and is now in a brace awaiting surgery on Tuesday to repair this. Needless to say, we are so thankful that his fall wasn't worse, and we pray that the surgery will restore in to complete health and function. So far, all looks very good! The days however are long, laying in bed, not allowed to get up, in a brace that looks more like a torture device. Please pray for the surgery tomorrow!

Now, I see it's time for me to get BACK to work! Work, which now consists of caring for Georgia on Monday's and tuesday's while Val is doing clinicals at PRHC for Indian Hills. The rest of my days, well, stay "tuned" so to speak! I'm working on launching some new endeavors, and those of you who know me well, may not be too surprised at what I would like to do! And I could do it in YOUR HOUSE!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

A preview
Georgia Naely will be baptized at the Pella II CRC church this Sunday at the 9:30 am service. You are invited to join us as we celebrate the family of God.
As you can see, Georgia is very impressed with our choice of dress for her for the occasion!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Independence Day!
This is our family entry in the Leighton Parade, held on July 3 in beautiful downtown Leighton! You see Dennis on the 4 wheeler, pulling a trailer with all our grands...Scott and I are walking beside, to "catch" any early exits from the parade entry! Everyone managed to man their station, even our ever on the move 1 year old, Henry, and our two youngest, Jessa, 7 months, and Georgia, 5 months who were secured in their Bumbo seats at the back of the "float".

Our theme was based on a commercial
Noah did when we worked at KCWN..
you may remember hearing it? If you need a new kitchen, call my Papa! We had a ton of fun making the float and tossing candy to a waiting crowd! Even the few rain drops didn't seem to bother us!

Perhaps the hardest part was for me, keeping up with the trailer full of our babies as it sped back to the shop!
So my friends, Happy 4th of July to you all, may you celebrate our rich heritage of Freedom with family and friends in a truly American way!
If you missed the Leighton parade, there will be more of our family in Sully today! Jodi, Colby and Grandpa Ed will represent 3 generations of students from Sully Christian School in the parade there, and I understand there will be plenty of good food available in Sully today!

You just have to HEAR an old John Deere to get the real experience. This is my dad on his John Deere!

Monday, June 22, 2009


Summer has arrived...for those of you who were wanting's here! I called to have our AC installed the day before it turned 90 and I am ever so glad i did! (We did not have AC installed when our furnace "died" this winter...remember that day it was 30 below? and I knew at the time, there would come a day we would regret it...) HATS off to Pella Heating and Cooling, Joe and Calvin, for finding the unit we needed and installing it in less than a day! i HIGHLY recommend them!!! 628-1246
I am honored than any of you are still checking my blog..I am terrible at updates lately, it's either I'm busy, not sure where the days so, or I haven't felt all that inspiring with what's happening to tell you about it!
I did have a job interview for the Station Manager position at 107.1 KNWI in Des Moines. I was honored to even land an interview, but felt after speaking with them, that I really could do the job, and was starting to plan out how in my head. It was good once again to "talk radio" especially with such sincere radio professionals as Dick Whitworth and Dave St John. They have a wonderful ministry, and I am glad to now call them friends, but we both feel God has a different direction for them and for me. As Mr Whitworth told me, there are 4 answers to prayer, Yes, No, Not now, and ARE you kidding?? He said he felt that the answer for me this time, was a no, not now, but who knows in the future?
that pretty much sums up my entire life right now..not now, maybe later. My days are spent taking care of Georgia, helping Dennis, taking care of kids, and running a house. I continue to think of ways I can help with the finances and a few ideas are popping into my head, If you have any, i'm open to suggestions!
Val is doing her clinicals, but does find the work tiring, and spends most of the week recuperating from the two days at clinical. today she had to return home with a migraine headache...some days are just frustrating...
We have been in the pool! Yesterday, so much that I got a good old sunburn. YOu would think by now I would know better!
I'm feeling a little down, knowing that my church team is in Cary Mississippi this week teaching Bible SChool! this year, I just knew i had to stay home. but i think about them constantly, and know that right now they are returning to the center after the first day of Bible School, I am anxious to hear how the lessons went ( I had a little input into the material...) and how the first timers did, and if the kids missed Glenda and I at all like we're missing being there!! And I hope and pray they all take care of each other and stay cool, much like we're trying to do here.
My devotions have again led me to realize, again, that God does have a plan, even when it makes no sense, and that what He requires of me is to trust in HIM< . I"m still working on it.
Love to hear from you!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Long time no blog

I have been busy..not sure what with, but busy! I've come to believe that without a "real Job", one becomes "PRN" for just about every other job! I have devoted time to a much neglected basement store room, and basement spare room, and basement store closet...and wondered how and why did we, do we, keep so much stuff?? and who was the woman that wore all those size 10 ( 12, 14) clothes?? I guess you could say I'm trying to put my house in order..for the sake of just that, and for whatever lies ahead..
My husband, sister and I totally enjoyed the Gaither Homecoming Concert at Wells Fargo last Friday night! Mark Lowrey was back with the Band, and oh what joy he is! He sang a medley of his hit, yes, one hit: Mary did you KNow? It gives me shivers to hear it, and it reminded me of many times when I felt just that same way, playing it in the kcwn studios..We watched the Gordon Mote video of "Don't let me miss the Glory" and I remembered the last time I was at the Well and heard that song for the first time, making my way to Gordon's table after the concert to purchase the CD, meet him, and assure him that kcwn would be adding that song, which we did, and you all loved as much as i did! so good memories along with a renewed experience of God's love at the concert.
Valerie has started back to nurses training, doing her rotation of clinicals in Pella! We are very thankful for the start back so close to home, and pray for her energy level to stay up! this means Monday's and Tuesday's for the next 12 weeks are nana and Georgia days. Unless of course, something comes up, which it did yesterday. I had an interview in Des Moines, so for the first time in 20 years, I had to find a sitter! I found that going from girl to girl in the church basement during fellowship coffee, with a smiling 4 month old, gets you a sitter pretty fast! our thanks to Tulip Queen and good friend, Morgan Kuiper for taking excellent care of Gigi on our first day away!
so life goes on here at the De Vries house, learning each day to Trust and not be afraid. Learning to listen more to God than to the news, and working at finding a way to reflect His Glory to each other and to the world around us..I am sure the same is happening at your house.
thanks for coming along on the journey with me.
Miss you all

Friday, May 15, 2009

Another change.. a new email address! Please touch base with me at
one reason for the change, UNLIMITED hours on dial up with iowatelecom! I had metered service with lisco, and now being HOME more, i'm on the computer the new server!
Hopefully not too many old contacts will be lost in the transition, though I know lots of old radio friends may not get the new address...
On this rainy Friday, I've got Georgia back in bed, who knows for how long? and I should be in the shower, preparing for the day. Dennis and I will be working at Randy and Jodi's house this after noon installing countertops, hopefully staying out of the way of the carpet layers, which all means moving day can't be far away! Scott and Stacey took old carpet OUT of their house yesterday to be able to take advantage of CLEAN UP days in Leighton, we did at the shop as well. So I guess life has settled in to it's new form of normal, even though I still never know what each day will hold.
Yesterday was a bit of a treat! My husband has laid claim to being our ONLY Lawn care technician (IE: lawn mower). He claimed this responsibility shortly after I mowed our entire lawn with a flat tire on the mower (and didn't know it, but couldn't' figure out why the lawn was so 'crooked") Dennis has been super busy, working at his job and then helping the kids with their housing projects at night, so I volunteered yesterday to mow the lawn (we have 2 and half acres). I never thought he would say yes, but he did!! So on to the John Deere 345 was I, and I know now why men love to mow! What a lot of time to think and be alone! The drone of the mower shuts out all other thoughts and problems and you can just think...about life, and people, and even pray. Yep, even pray...on the mower. (I still suggest you give a little effort to watching how the mowing is turning out...and check the tires now and then)
thanks for stopping by. I truly miss sharing with you on the radio. Please use the email address to stay in touch!
oh, my old Friday morning cohost, Steve Heerema has a new web sight for his new church plant in Newton! I am so happy for Steve, if you know anything about him, you know his heart is for evangelism! For those of you who miss our show, we're in negotiations for a pod cast in the future! Until then, check out the church sight, and keep Steve and all his fellow workers in your prayers.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Belated Happy Mother's Day! This is my family, including my mom and dad, my sister and her kids, and ALL of our kids! we consider getting everyone in the picture and still a minor miracle! it might have been helpful if I would have known how the auto feature on my camera works before we were all seated...but by the time we got the third camera up on the tripod, we were good to go! so maybe photography will not be my next career choice...

I continue to wonder what that next choice will be and how I got to the point where I need to make one! Listening to the radio reminds me how much i LOVED that job, the music, speaking with many of you from time to time, and the normality or a routine..Then I spend a day with my family and see once again where God is calling me at this help give Georgia and Val the same start that the rest of this family got years ago. It's not something I do alone, an ever hard working husband makes it possible for me to even consider being home now, and the feeling I know God gives that this is where I am supposed to be helps too. ( if you haven't picked up a copy of Jesus Calling by Sarah Young...get one soon!) This devotional, with it's related scriptures have helped me cope with my new life. I still miss radio, I think I always will, but for now, this is where I am. A revelation of sorts happened for me not so long ago...KCWN was where I was supposed to be for 13 years, I did what I was supposed to do, and NOW, for now, i'm where I need to be now. And who knows where in the future??

From 'Jesus Calling": Don't be so hard on yourself! I can bring good even out of your mistakes! Your finite mind tends to look backward,longing to undo decisions you have come to regret. This is a waste of time and energy, leading only to frustration. Instead of floundering in the past, release your mistakes to Me, Look to Me in trust, anticipating that My infinite creativity can weave both good choices and bad into a lovely design. Trust Me and watch to see what I will do next!

Watching and Waiting with you....

Friday, May 1, 2009

Today we go to Sully Christian School, where Colby's class is doing chapel. We are told to have faith like that of a little child and I am always amazed and inspired when I hear these two little guys pray or tell me their Bible story or recite the latest memory work from school.

In the last Sully Christian School newsletter, Colby wrote this prayer: Dear God, Why did you make animals that kill people? See you at home. Colby Jay De Vries

I love that line "see you at home". So thankful that Colby knows that he can "see God at home", like a friend and a father.

This has been a "normal" week I suppose in the new normal. We've been busy with the kids' houses, water lines in at Leighton for the DeBoefs and finish work being done for the DeVries house by Peoria. In order to keep up with the kids, I rearranged the living room at home, yet once again. I have two theories on my need to drag the sofa, tables, bookcases, and yes, the TV across the room. One: moving it makes it look new, and leaves me somewhat content with a new look! Two: when you cant' control anything else in life, you CAN tell that sofa where it's resting place will be, at least for the next week! I'm thinking about starting a new business, "Balance by Beverly", where I would come to your house, and shove your sofa, restoring balance and contentment to your living room... what do you think??

Georgia gets her first shots today, so we could have a long day and night of rocking and walking! It seems lots of folks we know need our prayers today for illness, surgeries, and tests. I still find myself thinking of the "perfect song" to play...and I miss picking out my morning music!

thanks for stopping by, more later! Enjoy the weekend, see you in Church, and God, we'll see you at home!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The house moved today, and right past my old KCWN office! I dont' know why, but that struck me as rather odd. Lots of things lately stike me odd...
We are thankful today for safe travel for the house and for all involved in moving it! As we speak, the house is being lowered to it's new firm foundation in Leighton. It's been an exhasuting day...I have two sleeping grandkids on the couch, they are tuckered too!
It didn't take long to move the house from Pella to Leighton...what is taking MUCH longer is setting it on the foundation. There has been checking on being "plumb" all afternoon, for once the house is has to be right on!!
Somewhat like life, dont' you think?? lots of things in life can be done quickly..but the foundation of your life, that's important!! And once you get SET ON that FIRM Foundation...then LIFE can begin!
Looking forward to life in Leighton
and a firm foundation for all of us...
and THANKS to those of you who have taken time to email me..i love staying in touch with those of you I know, and those of you I've never met, but spent so much time with over the years. Talking only to a 3 month old for the first 3 hours of my day has taken a little getting used to!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

This will be coming down the street on Thursday! Our daughter Stacey and her husband Scott DeBoef have purchased this home on 500 Independence in Pella and will be moving it to the "school lot" in Leighton this Thursday! It's up on beams and ready to head out! Scott is here in the picture with his grandpa De Boef, who drove over to see what all the commotion it about.
MOVING....there seems to be a lot of that going on in our family! THIS HOUSE...and eventually, Scott, Stacey. Noah, Henry and all their belongings will make their way to a new adventure in Leighton. Randy and Jodi are building a new home on the "home place" near Peoria and will soon take Colby, Tysen, Jessa and all their possessions to their new home. We've moved Val back home with us, and with her Baby Georgia. Dennis has moved his business and shop from Oskaloosa to Leighton this past year. I've moved my office home, and along with it, my 'career' has moved...or disappeared, I'm still not sure on that one. All this moving and changing. I'm reminded of the words of a song (some old habits are hard to let go of) My circumstance does not change who I am in Christ. Isn't it good to know that ONE thing never changes...never forever faithful?
thanks for stopping by...
and be watching for a house coming your way...Thursday!
All dressed up for church on Sunday! Mommy and Daddy took me to church and I liked it...Especially the band! thanks for checking up on me and my nana. I know lots of people have been praying for me and my family.

Smiling on Saturday....I was, and once again, that didn't really makes sense. Saturday is the day I finally took all those boxes of "stuff" from 12 years KCWN office accumulation, and put it all away in my new "home Office". Cards from listeners over the years, notes from my right hand girl, Cinda, autographed thank you CD's from artists, name badges from concerts, all reminders of how much I loved working at KCWN. Because of the music, and the people. So that should have really made me sad..but i had a silly smile on my face all day. I just felt blessed to have had the opportunity.
May I share from my new favorite devotional, Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.
" Save your best striving for Seeking my Face. I am constantly communicating with you. To find Me and hear My voice,you must seek Me above all else. Anything that you desire more than Me becomes an idol. When you are determined to get your own way, you blot Me out of your consciousness. Instead of single-mindly pursuing some goal, talk with Me about it. Let the light of My Presence shine on this pursuit, so that you can see it from My perspective. If the goal fits into My plans for you, I will help you reach it. If it is contrary to My will for you, I will gradually change the desire of your heart. Seek Me First and foremost, then the rest of your life will fall into place, piece by piece.

Well, a little piece was put back together on Saturday. There are still a few more to go.

Friday, April 17, 2009

So here we our 50's (barely) entering that time of life when it's just me and poppa at home...our work schedule is light and we spend most of time vacationing on wonderful beaches, reflecting on our perfect life and planning the next trip to.....

WALMART....we're out of diapers, and one of us is unemployed, so be sure and take a coupon, and honey, I'll be home late from work, again, so keep that hamburger helper warm....

Okay, life has NOT exactly turned out the way we had planned. Instead of living just the two of us, our home is full of love, laughter, formula, and diapers. Our daughter Val is living with us, as is her daughter 3 month old Georgia. Georgia's daddy is also a daily visitor to our home and we expect to soon be an official part of our family too. Our other kids and grandkids are frequent visitors too and we wouldn't have it any other way. Those trips to the beach? a rather distant memory, but also an ambition for years yet to come.

I would imagine our story is not so much different than any of yours. You made a plan, and then LIFE happened. I was working at a Christian Radio Station, station manager, music director, morning personality...then my daughter came back home to live, and brought our precious Georgia. Along with this change in plan, Val received a diagnosis of Chronic Myelogions Leukemia. Our 'Plan" has changed. I've left my job to help stay home and care for Val and the baby. the good news is, Val is doing great...the baby is too, and I can see where maybe soon, we'll get back to our new "normal".

Today, as I was driving to Pella, fully dressed and presentable before 8 AM for the first time in 3 months, I heard my friends Steve and Brian on the air, and realized it was Friday Morning Chat! so I decided to stop by and chat! When i walked out the KCWN door on February 3 to admit my daughter to Pregnancy Triage Center in Mercy, I never dreamed I would not be going back. I needed to say Good bye to my listeners, friends, from over the years. The guys were most gracious to give me my air time, to tell my story, and say goodbye. I wanted all of you to know what's happening, because I know you have been praying for us. I wanted to share my story because I have always believed that this is how we know more about who God is, because we see how He works in our lives and that of others, the Bible is full of people's stories...that's one way God revealed Himself to us. thanks Brian and Steve for letting me share that story one last time, over the air.

and now, the story continues, here on the web. I in no way have this figured out. But I do , God is faithful, alive, and at work. Proof Positive lives right here with me.

Not exactly on the beach, but even on the way to Walmart.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


i'll be moving my "url" to this new blog spot..leaving a KCWN new day to the here we go...a Better Day is just ahead..
or maybe it's TODAY!