This will be coming down the street on Thursday! Our daughter Stacey and her husband Scott DeBoef have purchased this home on 500 Independence in Pella and will be moving it to the "school lot" in Leighton this Thursday! It's up on beams and ready to head out! Scott is here in the picture with his grandpa De Boef, who drove over to see what all the commotion it about.
MOVING....there seems to be a lot of that going on in our family! THIS HOUSE...and eventually, Scott, Stacey. Noah, Henry and all their belongings will make their way to a new adventure in Leighton. Randy and Jodi are building a new home on the "home place" near Peoria and will soon take Colby, Tysen, Jessa and all their possessions to their new home. We've moved Val back home with us, and with her Baby Georgia. Dennis has moved his business and shop from Oskaloosa to Leighton this past year. I've moved my office home, and along with it, my 'career' has moved...or disappeared, I'm still not sure on that one. All this moving and changing. I'm reminded of the words of a song (some old habits are hard to let go of) My circumstance does not change who I am in Christ. Isn't it good to know that ONE thing never changes...never forever faithful?
thanks for stopping by...
and be watching for a house coming your way...Thursday!