Thursday, April 23, 2009

The house moved today, and right past my old KCWN office! I dont' know why, but that struck me as rather odd. Lots of things lately stike me odd...
We are thankful today for safe travel for the house and for all involved in moving it! As we speak, the house is being lowered to it's new firm foundation in Leighton. It's been an exhasuting day...I have two sleeping grandkids on the couch, they are tuckered too!
It didn't take long to move the house from Pella to Leighton...what is taking MUCH longer is setting it on the foundation. There has been checking on being "plumb" all afternoon, for once the house is has to be right on!!
Somewhat like life, dont' you think?? lots of things in life can be done quickly..but the foundation of your life, that's important!! And once you get SET ON that FIRM Foundation...then LIFE can begin!
Looking forward to life in Leighton
and a firm foundation for all of us...
and THANKS to those of you who have taken time to email me..i love staying in touch with those of you I know, and those of you I've never met, but spent so much time with over the years. Talking only to a 3 month old for the first 3 hours of my day has taken a little getting used to!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

This will be coming down the street on Thursday! Our daughter Stacey and her husband Scott DeBoef have purchased this home on 500 Independence in Pella and will be moving it to the "school lot" in Leighton this Thursday! It's up on beams and ready to head out! Scott is here in the picture with his grandpa De Boef, who drove over to see what all the commotion it about.
MOVING....there seems to be a lot of that going on in our family! THIS HOUSE...and eventually, Scott, Stacey. Noah, Henry and all their belongings will make their way to a new adventure in Leighton. Randy and Jodi are building a new home on the "home place" near Peoria and will soon take Colby, Tysen, Jessa and all their possessions to their new home. We've moved Val back home with us, and with her Baby Georgia. Dennis has moved his business and shop from Oskaloosa to Leighton this past year. I've moved my office home, and along with it, my 'career' has moved...or disappeared, I'm still not sure on that one. All this moving and changing. I'm reminded of the words of a song (some old habits are hard to let go of) My circumstance does not change who I am in Christ. Isn't it good to know that ONE thing never changes...never forever faithful?
thanks for stopping by...
and be watching for a house coming your way...Thursday!
All dressed up for church on Sunday! Mommy and Daddy took me to church and I liked it...Especially the band! thanks for checking up on me and my nana. I know lots of people have been praying for me and my family.

Smiling on Saturday....I was, and once again, that didn't really makes sense. Saturday is the day I finally took all those boxes of "stuff" from 12 years KCWN office accumulation, and put it all away in my new "home Office". Cards from listeners over the years, notes from my right hand girl, Cinda, autographed thank you CD's from artists, name badges from concerts, all reminders of how much I loved working at KCWN. Because of the music, and the people. So that should have really made me sad..but i had a silly smile on my face all day. I just felt blessed to have had the opportunity.
May I share from my new favorite devotional, Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.
" Save your best striving for Seeking my Face. I am constantly communicating with you. To find Me and hear My voice,you must seek Me above all else. Anything that you desire more than Me becomes an idol. When you are determined to get your own way, you blot Me out of your consciousness. Instead of single-mindly pursuing some goal, talk with Me about it. Let the light of My Presence shine on this pursuit, so that you can see it from My perspective. If the goal fits into My plans for you, I will help you reach it. If it is contrary to My will for you, I will gradually change the desire of your heart. Seek Me First and foremost, then the rest of your life will fall into place, piece by piece.

Well, a little piece was put back together on Saturday. There are still a few more to go.

Friday, April 17, 2009

So here we our 50's (barely) entering that time of life when it's just me and poppa at home...our work schedule is light and we spend most of time vacationing on wonderful beaches, reflecting on our perfect life and planning the next trip to.....

WALMART....we're out of diapers, and one of us is unemployed, so be sure and take a coupon, and honey, I'll be home late from work, again, so keep that hamburger helper warm....

Okay, life has NOT exactly turned out the way we had planned. Instead of living just the two of us, our home is full of love, laughter, formula, and diapers. Our daughter Val is living with us, as is her daughter 3 month old Georgia. Georgia's daddy is also a daily visitor to our home and we expect to soon be an official part of our family too. Our other kids and grandkids are frequent visitors too and we wouldn't have it any other way. Those trips to the beach? a rather distant memory, but also an ambition for years yet to come.

I would imagine our story is not so much different than any of yours. You made a plan, and then LIFE happened. I was working at a Christian Radio Station, station manager, music director, morning personality...then my daughter came back home to live, and brought our precious Georgia. Along with this change in plan, Val received a diagnosis of Chronic Myelogions Leukemia. Our 'Plan" has changed. I've left my job to help stay home and care for Val and the baby. the good news is, Val is doing great...the baby is too, and I can see where maybe soon, we'll get back to our new "normal".

Today, as I was driving to Pella, fully dressed and presentable before 8 AM for the first time in 3 months, I heard my friends Steve and Brian on the air, and realized it was Friday Morning Chat! so I decided to stop by and chat! When i walked out the KCWN door on February 3 to admit my daughter to Pregnancy Triage Center in Mercy, I never dreamed I would not be going back. I needed to say Good bye to my listeners, friends, from over the years. The guys were most gracious to give me my air time, to tell my story, and say goodbye. I wanted all of you to know what's happening, because I know you have been praying for us. I wanted to share my story because I have always believed that this is how we know more about who God is, because we see how He works in our lives and that of others, the Bible is full of people's stories...that's one way God revealed Himself to us. thanks Brian and Steve for letting me share that story one last time, over the air.

and now, the story continues, here on the web. I in no way have this figured out. But I do , God is faithful, alive, and at work. Proof Positive lives right here with me.

Not exactly on the beach, but even on the way to Walmart.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


i'll be moving my "url" to this new blog spot..leaving a KCWN new day to the here we go...a Better Day is just ahead..
or maybe it's TODAY!